
conscious matters

Conscious Matters ® is a holistic wellness platform committed to empowering you to transcend your inner limitations, realign with your true self, and unleash your potential to become the most healed and empowered version of yourself.

The journey of self-realization leading to taking back control of your life can be extremely challenging and lonely, but you don't have to do it alone. Conscious Matters ® is a safe place for the multifaceted and multi-passionate gentle souls out there struggling with mental blockages leading to depression, anxiety, burnout, and lack of self-confidence.

With a focus on growth mindset & mindfulness, this platform is designed to guide you on your journey to becoming more confident and at peace living life as your most authentic self, no matter where you are on that journey. How? You might ask - by providing you with your holistic wellness toolbox via educational content (podcast, videos, blog, courses, and a newsletter) that enables you to healthily process and respond to life transitional chapters, emotionally life-triggering events, see your worth clearly, shift misguided core beliefs, and transmute difficult feelings to navigate life’s ebbs and flows fully empowered in the face of life challenges without losing yourself or your agency.

The intention behind every piece of Conscious Matters creations is to support you in finding and tapping into your own inner guidance and strength leading you to fully unleash your full potential. We're here to help you reclaim your power, lovingly feed your self-esteem, and live your most authentic and fulfilling life to the fullest. Don't give up on yourself. Don't let fear hold you back. Choose your well-being and commit to yourself. You deserve it!







I’m an Empowerment Mindset educator, a certified Mindfulness teacher, and Neuro-Linguistic Programming Master practitioner. In a nutshell, a holistic wellness advocate and your go-to guide for building a growth mindset to live your most empowered fulfilling life!

As someone who has struggled with self-doubt, anxiety, high-functioning depression, and chronic mild health issues, I know firsthand how difficult it can be to overcome negative self-talk and find your way back to your true self. But through my own journey with holistic wellness, particularly rewiring intrusive negative thoughts, I've not only improved my physical health but also completely transformed my mindset, releasing my own conditioning to living a life fully aligned with my most authentic self.

My mission is to share with others the tools and techniques that have helped me transform my life. At Conscious Matters, I offer a well of wellness resources, tips, and tools to help you build and support your growth mindset as you move through life's challenges. Whether you're looking to let go of your inner critic, build self-confidence, or simply live a more fulfilled life, these resources are here to guide you on your way to do so. Through my monthly Holistic Wellness podcast, weekly Mindset Work videos, and Conscious Living blog articles, I aim to give you this safe space to support and strengthen your mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical wellness journey.

My approach is grounded in my certified knowledge of Neuro-Linguistic Reprogramming (subconscious mind work), Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Acceptance Commitment Therapy, and Mindfulness. All centered around empowering you to take control of your life. Remember, you are never powerless. Focusing on what's within yourself is incredibly empowering, and my goal is to help you uncover that power within yourself.

Are you ready to reclaim your power, find your way back to your true self, and live a fulfilled life? Join Conscious Matters Community, and let's embark on your healing and empowering journey together.

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